8 Financial Accounting Skills for Business Success

The 6 technical skills we’ve listed below are optional – we recommend you include them if they are relevant both to the position you’re applying for and to your experience. That’s why having these 7 technical skills is a definite must for anyone starting off their career in accounting. Financial reporting is the process of...

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Bank Reconciliations Defined: A Definitive Guide

In addition to Forbes, his work has been featured by Bankrate, Fox Business, Slick Deals, and more. He is the budgeting and family travel enthusiast behind Family Money Adventure. For a more detailed and thorough illustration of a bank reconciliation and to learn the related terminology, be sure to see our topic Bank Reconciliation. Managing...

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What is an unsecured creditor?

Non-priority debts are credit-card balances, personal loans, utilities, medical bills and student loans. These are paid with whatever money is left over after the priority debts are taken care of. If there’s no money left, what’s the difference between salary vs wage employees most non-priority debts are discharged and go unpaid Student loans are rarely...

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Outsourced Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services QXAS USA

Cost of ownership is a key consideration when choosing the right solution for your firm as it’s a way to assess the long-term value of the solution for your firm. However, despite its importance, it’s not the only cost you should consider when it comes to choosing a solution. Crystal Stranger, EA, JD, NTPI Fellow,...

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