Что Такое Хостинг, Для Чего Он Нужен Простыми Словами

Схема как работает виртуальный хостинг по сравнению с другими типами веб-хостинга. Компания WebHOST1 работает с 2008 года, на серверах размещено в общей сложности более 150 тысяч сайтов. Каждому клиенту при аренде хостинга предоставляют бесплатную защиту от DDoS-атак. За отдельную плату можно заказать базовое или расширенное администрирование серверов. Дата-центры находятся в США, России и Нидерландах. Не...

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AI Finder Find Objects in Images and Videos of Influencers

What is Image Recognition their functions, algorithm “It’s visibility into a really granular set of data that you would otherwise not have access to,” Wrona said. Image recognition plays a crucial role in medical imaging analysis, allowing healthcare professionals and clinicians more easily diagnose and monitor certain diseases and conditions. Many of the most dynamic...

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The Top 10 Customer Support Automation Examples and Use Cases

How to automate customer service processes in CRM For example, when bots were first introduced at LiveChat, they took care of nearly 30% of chats. In the first few months of their adoption they did the work of 19 agents. There are a few more tricks to make sure you avoid common chatbot mistakes. It...

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What Is GPT-4? Key Facts and Features August 2023

OpenAI says new model GPT-4 is more creative and less likely to invent facts ChatGPT By using ChatGPT-4 in software development, businesses can improve their productivity and efficiency, while also creating high-quality software that meets their unique needs. By using GPT-4 for document generation, businesses can save time and resources, while also ensuring that their...

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